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# ~license~
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from pathlib import Path
from appy.xml import Environment, Parser, xmlPrologue
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PROPS_KO = 'Variable "%s" does not contain a GraphicProperties object but is' \
' mentioned as is in a pod graphic.'
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Types of ranges that can be defined. In the following examples, "sh" stands
# for "sheet".
FOUR_PARTS = 0 # 2 column headers and 2 single-column ranges
# Example: Sh.B2:Sh.B2 Sh.B3:Sh.B7 Sh.C2:Sh.C2 Sh.C3:Sh.C7
COMPLETE = 1 # The complete range, encompassing header + values, both columns
# Example: Sh.B2:Sh.C7
COL_ONE = 2 # The first column, values only (no header)
# Example: Sh.B3:Sh.B7
COL_TWO = 3 # The second column, values only (no header)
# Example: Sh.C3:Sh.C7
HEAD_TWO = 4 # The second column header
# Example: Sh.C2:Sh.C2
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class GraphicProperties:
'''Defines properties to apply to an ODS graphic'''
def __init__(self, stroke='none', strokeColor='#b3b3b3', fill='solid',
fillColor='#004586', fontSize='10pt'):
self.stroke = stroke # Possible values: 'none', 'solid', ...
self.strokeColor = strokeColor
self.fill = fill # Possible values: 'none', 'solid', ...
self.fillColor = fillColor
self.fontSize = fontSize
def getGraphicProperties(self):
'''Returns ODS graphic properties'''
return f''
def getChartProperties(self):
'''Returns ODS graphic properties'''
return ''
def getTextProperties(self):
'''Returns ODS text properties'''
size = self.fontSize
return f''
def getStyle(self, name='ch1', numberName='N0'):
'''Generates the ODS style that corresponds to there graphic
# p_name is the name of the ODS style to dump. p_numberName is the name
# of the number style to refer.
if numberName:
numS = f' style:data-style-name="{numberName}"'
numS = ''
return f'' \
f'{self.getChartProperties()}{self.getGraphicProperties()}' \
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class Graphic:
'''Represents a Pod-controlled graphic within an ODS pod template'''
# Make class GraphicProperties available here
Properties = GraphicProperties
def get(class_, tag, attrs, env):
'''Returns a Graphic object, if this p_tag, encountered in the currently
parsed content.xml, represents a POD graphic, ie, a graphic whose
range of cells is dynamic and depends on the result of a pod "for"
if tag != 'draw:frame' or 'draw:name' not in attrs: return
name = attrs['draw:name']
# A POD-compliant graphic has a name of the form:
# --[-]
# Part "propsVar" is optional
return Graphic(name, env) if 2 <= name.count('-') <= 3 else None
def __init__(self, spec, env):
'''Create a Graphic object based on this p_spec (see m_get)'''
# p_spec (see m_get hereabove) is made of the following elements:
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# start | The cell corresponding to the abstract range start (ie, "B2")
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# end | The cell corresponding to the abstract range end (ie, "C3")
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# var | The name of the pod variable that will be used to expand the
# | abstract range into a concrete range of values, as produced by
# | a pod "for" statement.
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# props | [optional] The name of the pod variable storing a
# | GraphicProperties object.
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Values in "start" and "end" may be prefixed by the sheet name (ie,
# "Sheet1.B2", "Sheet1.C3").
# This range is an abstract, Pod-based range definition representing
# graphic's data, that will be converted to a LO-compliant range by the
# renderer's "finalize" method.
parts = spec.strip().split('-')
if len(parts) == 3:
start, end, self.var = parts
self.props = None
start, end, self.var, self.props = parts
# Prefix p_self.start and p_self.end with the current sheet name, if not
# already done.
tableName = None
if '.' not in start:
# Implicitly, the range is to be found in the current sheet
# (=the current table)
sheet = env.getTable().name
start = f'{sheet}.{start}'
if '.' not in end:
end = f'{sheet or env.getTable().name}.{end}'
self.start = start
self.end = end
# Get p_self.start and p_self.end components
self.sheet, self.startCol, self.startRow = self.getCellParts(self.start)
self.sheet, self.endCol, self.endRow = self.getCellParts(self.end)
# The following attribute will store the actual values corresponding to
# this v_graphic.
self.values = None
def getCellParts(self, name):
'''Returns a 3-tuple containing the (s_sheet, s_col, i_row) parts for
the cell having this p_name.'''
# p_name may contain the sheet name
if '.' in name:
sheet, name = name.split('.')
sheet = f'{sheet}.'
sheet = ''
# Extract, in v_col, the column letter(s) and, in v_row, the row number
col = ''
row = ''
for char in name:
if char.isdigit():
row = f'{row}{char}'
col = f'{col}{char}'
return sheet, col, int(row)
def getPodRange(self, prefix='appyRange.'):
'''Gets p_self's range, as a short string, with this p_prefix'''
r = f'{self.start}:{self.end}:{self.var}'
return f'{prefix}{r}' if prefix else r
def getLoRange(self, rangeType):
'''Returns the LO range for p_self, based on these expanded
# Prerequisite: p_self.value must have been computed
# Build the various required range elements
sheet = self.sheet
startCol = f'{sheet}{self.startCol}'
endCol = f'{sheet}{self.endCol}'
startRow = self.startRow
endRow = self.endRow + len(self.values) - 1 # = the actual end row,
# based on the number of
# actual p_self.values
if rangeType == FOUR_PARTS:
# 4 values are expected: 2 headers and 2 single-column ranges
head1 = f'{self.start}:{self.start}'
vals1 = f'{startCol}{startRow+1}:{startCol}{endRow}'
head2 = f'{endCol}{startRow}:{endCol}{startRow}'
vals2 = f'{endCol}{startRow+1}:{endCol}{endRow}'
r = f'{head1} {vals1} {head2} {vals2}'
elif rangeType == COMPLETE:
# 2 values are expected: the start and end of the complete range,
# encompassing all columns and all rows.
end = f'{endCol}{endRow}'
r = f'{self.start}:{end}'
elif rangeType == COL_ONE:
# Values of the first column only
r = f'{startCol}{startRow+1}:{startCol}{endRow}'
elif rangeType == COL_TWO:
# Values of the second column only
r = f'{endCol}{startRow+1}:{endCol}{endRow}'
elif rangeType == HEAD_TWO:
# The second column header
r = f'{endCol}{startRow}:{endCol}{startRow}'
return r
def resolveProps(self, context):
'''Converts p_self.props, being the name of a pod variable potentially
containing a GraphicProperties object, into this object.'''
props = self.props
if props is None:
# Use a defaut GraphicProperties object
self.props = GraphicProperties()
self.props = context.get(props)
if self.props is None:
# Take a default one
self.props = GraphicProperties()
elif not isinstance(self.props, GraphicProperties):
raise Exception(PROPS_KO % props)
def __repr__(self):
'''p_self as a short string'''
return f'‹Graphic · Pod range {self.getPodRange(None)}›'
def register(self, env, attrs):
'''Registers a new pod-controlled graphic that was encountered in a
draw:frame tag.'''
# A draw:frame > draw:object sub-tag has just been encountered, having
# these p_attrs: it corresponds to the Appy-controlled graphic already
# stored in p_env.currentOdsGraphic.
# Add the graphic's abstract range in the appropriate tag attribute: it
# will then be "resolved", by the renderer's "finalize" method, to a
# concrete LO range.
attrs._attrs['draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges'] = self.getPodRange()
# Add an entry in p_self.odsGraphics
graphics = env.odsGraphics
if graphics is None:
graphics = env.odsGraphics = {}
graphics[attrs['xlink:href']] = self
def patchContent(self, contentXml):
'''Patches p_contentXml with a range based on the actual
# Get the LO range from p_self.values
loRange = self.getLoRange(FOUR_PARTS)
# Replace the POD range with the LO range in p_contextXml
podRange = self.getPodRange()
return contentXml.replace(podRange, loRange)
def patch(class_, renderer, contentXml):
'''Called by the renderer's "finalize" method, this method patches
p_contentXml and graphics-specific sub-files, with info about the
resolved data ranges.'''
env = renderer.contentParser.env
graphics = env.odsGraphics
if not graphics: return contentXml
# Browse every encountered pod-controlled graphic
context = env.context
for path, graphic in graphics.items():
# Get the actual values corresponding to this v_graphic
graphic.values = context[graphic.var]
# Get a GraphicProperties object in v_graphic.props
# Patch p_contentXml
contentXml = graphic.patchContent(contentXml)
# Patch the graphic-specific sub-content.xml
fileName = Path(renderer.unzipFolder) / path / 'content.xml'
with open(fileName) as f:
gContent = f.read()
gContent = GraphicParser(graphic, caller=renderer).parse(gContent)
with open(fileName, 'w') as f:
return contentXml
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
class GraphicEnvironment(Environment):
'''Environment for the Graphic parser'''
def __init__(self):
# Call the base constructor
# The chart type
self.chartClass = None
# Are we parsing the tag representing the x-axis ?
self.xAxis = False
# The last encountered style
self.lastStyle = None
# The name of the series style that will be generated
self.seriesStyle = None
def getNextStyle(self):
'''Gets the next style, logically following p_self.lastStyle'''
last = self.lastStyle
if last:
prefix = ''
number = ''
for char in last:
if char.isdigit():
number += char
prefix += char
number = number or '1'
r = f'{prefix}{int(number)+1}'
r = 'ch1'
return r
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
class GraphicParser(Parser):
'''Parses a graphic-specific content.xml file within an ODS file and patches
it with Pod-based graphic data.'''
# The template "series" tag
series = '' \
# The string to use as hook for dumping the series style
styleHook = '_s_t_y_l_e_'
def __init__(self, graphic, caller=None):
# Define a default environment if p_env is None
env = GraphicEnvironment()
# Call the base constructor
super().__init__(env, caller)
# The tied Graphic object
self.graphic = graphic
def startDocument(self):
'''Initialise the result'''
self.r = []
def endDocument(self):
'''Concatenate all elements into a single string'''
self.r = ''.join(self.r)
# Dump the series style
props = self.graphic.props
style = props.getStyle(name=self.env.seriesStyle)
self.r = self.r.replace(self.styleHook, style)
def addPlotAreaAttributes(self, attrs):
'''Add, in p_attrs, p_self.graphic-specific attributes'''
d = attrs._attrs
d['table:cell-range-address'] = self.graphic.getLoRange(COMPLETE)
d['chart:data-source-has-labels'] = 'both'
def addXAxisAttributes(self, attrs):
'''Add, in p_attrs, specific x-axis attributes'''
attrs._attrs['chartooo:axis-type'] = 'text'
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
'''Called when a start tag having this p_name is encountered'''
env = self.env
# Remember the name of the last encountered style
if name == 'style:style':
styleName = attrs.get('style:name')
if styleName:
env.lastStyle = styleName
# Reify the start tag and its attributes
r = f'<{name}'
if attrs:
if name == 'chart:chart':
# Remember the type of chart
env.chartClass = attrs['chart:class']
elif name == 'chart:plot-area':
# Add specific attributes
elif name == 'chart:axis' and attrs.get('chart:dimension') == "x":
# Add specific attributes
self.env.xAxis = True
# Dump attributes as a string
attrs = [f'{name}="{value}"' for name, value in attrs.items()]
r = f'{r} {" ".join(attrs)}'
def endElement(self, name):
'''Called when an end tag having this p_name is encountered'''
env = self.env
# Patch the x-axis when relevant
isAxis = name == 'chart:axis'
isX = env.xAxis
if isAxis and isX:
# Add a sub-tag
rangeX = self.graphic.getLoRange(COL_ONE)
sub = f''
env.xAxis = False
# Add a hook for dumping, afterwards, the series style
if name == 'office:automatic-styles':
# Reify the end tag
if isAxis and not isX:
# After both axis, add a series
graphic = self.graphic
rangeTwo = graphic.getLoRange(COL_TWO)
headTwo = graphic.getLoRange(HEAD_TWO)
count = len(graphic.values)
style = env.seriesStyle = env.getNextStyle()
series = self.series % (style, rangeTwo, headTwo, env.chartClass,
def characters(self, content):
'''Add the encountered p_content to the result'''
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